观众号在澳大利亚公开赛上喊出了Zverev所谓的虐待者的名字;Zverev拒绝进一步评论. Spectator shouts names of Zverev's alleged abusers at Australian Open; Zverev refuses to comment further.
在澳大利亚网球公开赛颁奖典礼上,一名观众大喊亚历山大·兹维列夫的前女友的名字,这些女友指控他身体虐待,然后是“澳大利亚相信”他们。 During the Australian Open trophy ceremony, a spectator shouted the names of Alexander Zverev's ex-girlfriends who accused him of physical abuse, followed by "Australia believes" them. 人群以嘘声和哨声回击。 The crowd responded with boos and whistles. 排名第二的Zverev说,他已经尽了一切可能,拒绝进一步处理这个问题。 Zverev, the runner-up, stated he had done everything he could and refused to address the issue further. 以前针对他的指控在未就罪行作出明确判决的情况下在法院得到了解决,上诉庭的调查发现证据不足。 Previous allegations against him have been resolved in court without a clear verdict on guilt, and an ATP investigation found insufficient evidence.