索菲亚·卡森和诺亚·森蒂内奥成为银幕演员协会奖的大使; "外交官"和"哥吉拉x康"续集的演员选拔新闻出现. Sofia Carson and Noah Centineo become ambassadors for the Screen Actors Guild Awards; casting news for "The Diplomat" and "Godzilla x Kong" sequel emerges.
索菲亚·卡森(Sofia Carson)和诺亚·克尼尼奥(Noah Centineo)是第31届屏幕演员协会奖的大使,在Netflix上播放2月23日的节目。 Sofia Carson and Noah Centineo are ambassadors for the 31st Screen Actors Guild Awards, airing Feb 23 on Netflix. Bradley Whitford将和Allison Janney 一起演《外交官》 扮演第一位绅士 Bradley Whitford will join Allison Janney in "The Diplomat," playing the First Gentleman. 凯特琳·德弗 (Kaitlyn Dever) 正在洽谈出演《哥斯拉 x 金刚》续集,该续集是 Monsterverse 系列的一部分。 Kaitlyn Dever is in talks to star in the "Godzilla x Kong" sequel, part of the Monsterverse franchise.