沙特阿拉伯的主要股票市场指数上升了0.26%,接近12 386.16点,公司收益显著。 Saudi Arabia's main stock market index rose 0.26%, closing at 12,386.16 points with notable corporate gains.
沙特阿拉伯的主要股市指数关闭得更高,上升0.26%,达到12 386.16点,交易价值为50亿沙特里亚尔。 Saudi Arabia's main stock market index closed higher, rising by 0.26% to 12,386.16 points, with a trading value of 5 billion Saudi riyals. 大约7.19亿股被交易,161家公司获得,69家公司丧失。 About 719 million shares were traded, with 161 companies gaining and 69 losing. 平行市场指数(Nomu)也有收益,关闭了49.70点,为30 896.29美元。 值得注意的行动包括Al-Baha Investment公司报告的利润大幅增长,Al-Moammar信息系统公司的一项重大合同获得利润。 The parallel market index (Nomu) also saw gains, closing up 49.70 points at 30,896.29. Notable actions include a significant profit increase reported by Al-Baha Investment and a major contract won by Al-Moammar Information Systems.