Qantas开始从布里斯班飞往帕劳的直接航班,由瑙鲁航空公司接管。 Qantas starts direct flights from Brisbane to Palau, taking over from Nauru Airlines.
Qantas公司在布里斯班和帕劳之间直飞,从瑙鲁航空公司接管航线。 Qantas has launched direct flights between Brisbane and Palau, taking over the route from Nauru Airlines. 该航空公司在10月赢得了一次招标,以运营“帕劳天堂快车”,至少到2025年11月为止。 The airline won a tender process in October to operate the "Palau Paradise Express" until at least November 2025. 这是Qantas在过去一年中从布里斯班出发的第五条国际航线, This is Qantas' fifth international route from Brisbane in the past year, following launches to Vanuatu and Manila. 新路线的预订和搜索数量激增。 The new route has seen a surge in bookings and searches. 瑙鲁航空公司继续通过“Island Hopper”服务飞往帕劳。 Nauru Airlines continues to fly to Palau via its "Island Hopper" service.