警方在澳大利亚南海岸和南印地安州寻找六名持有逮捕令的男子。 Police seek six men with arrest warrants in South Coast and Southern Inlands, Australia.
南海岸警区正在澳大利亚的南海岸和南内地地区寻找6名持有未执行逮捕令的男子。 The South Coast Police District is searching for six men with outstanding arrest warrants in the South Coast and Southern Inlands areas of Australia. 据悉,包括Michael Shaw和Daniel Lowe在内的嫌疑人常住或经常居住在特定的沿海和内陆地区。 The suspects, including Michael Shaw and Daniel Lowe, are known to live or frequent specific coastal and inland areas. 警察敦促这些男子自首,要求公众向新南威尔士州1800 333000人或在线犯罪制止者提供有关其所在地点的任何信息。 Police urge the men to turn themselves in and ask the public to provide any information about their locations to Crime Stoppers NSW at 1800 333 000 or online.