飞机紧急降落在靠近内布拉斯加希布伦的高速公路上,然后迁至当地机场。 Plane makes emergency landing on highway near Hebron, Nebraska, then moved to local airport.
Thayer县治安官办公室对星期日在内布拉斯加希布伦附近的136号公路上紧急降落的一架飞机作出了反应。 The Thayer County Sheriff's Office responded to an emergency landing of an airplane on Highway 136 near Hebron, Nebraska, on Sunday. 该飞机在希布伦以东半英里处安全降落,然后被运往附近的希布伦机场。 The plane landed safely half a mile east of Hebron and was then moved to the nearby Hebron Airport. 内布拉斯加游戏公园和希布伦消防局提供了援助。 Assistance was provided by the Nebraska Game and Parks and the Hebron Fire department.