尽管经常刷牙,但由于口腔卫生不良,超过三分之一的儿童面临牙科问题。 Over one-third of kids face dental issues due to poor oral hygiene, despite regular brushing.
超过三分之一的家长报告说,在过去两年里,由于口腔卫生不良,其子女经历了牙齿问题,如牙齿腐烂、口腔和口香糖问题。 Over one-third of parents report their children have experienced dental issues like tooth decay, cavities, and gum problems in the past two years, linked to poor oral hygiene. 尽管64%的儿童每天刷两次,只有三分之一的儿童经常刷舌头,还有不到四分之一的儿童用牙线刷牙。 Despite 64% of children brushing twice daily, only a third regularly brush their tongue and less than a quarter floss. 美国牙医协会建议每六个月进行一次牙科检查,以便早期发现和干预。 The American Dental Association recommends dental visits every six months for early detection and intervention.