渥太华参议员队将在魁北克城进行 NHL 季前赛,这是加拿大人自 2002 年以来的回归。 Ottawa Senators to play pre-season NHL games in Quebec City, marking Canadiens' return since 2002.
渥太华参议员将于2025年9月在魁北克市举行两次预赛前NHL比赛,标志着自2002年以来卡纳迪安人返回该市。 The Ottawa Senators will play two pre-season NHL games in Quebec City in September 2025, marking the Canadiens' return to the city since 2002. 计划在9月28日与新泽西魔鬼队和9月30日与蒙特利尔加拿大人队比赛. Games are scheduled against the New Jersey Devils on September 28 and the Montreal Canadiens on September 30. 参议员的老板Michael Andlauer认为魁北克市有定期赛季比赛的潜力,但依然致力于将球队留在渥太华。 The Senators' owner, Michael Andlauer, sees potential for regular-season games in Quebec City but remains committed to keeping the team in Ottawa. 这次为期四天的访问将包括团队建设和社区活动。 The four-day visit will include team-building and community activities.