跟踪世界各地老葡萄园的老葡萄园注册处已经超过39个国家的4 000个条目。 The Old Vine Registry, tracking old vine vineyards worldwide, has exceeded 4,000 entries from 39 countries.
旧葡萄园登记册是老葡萄园的全球数据库,已有39个国家超过4 000个条目,目标是到2027年达到10 000个。 The Old Vine Registry, a global database of old vine vineyards, has surpassed 4,000 entries from 39 countries, with a goal of reaching 10,000 by 2027. 1990年种植的庄园现在有资格被包括在内。 Vineyards planted in 1990 are now eligible for inclusion. 该注册处由Alder Yarrow管理,由捐款供资,它作为葡萄酒行业、学术界和对老葡萄酒感兴趣的消费者的资源。 Run by Alder Yarrow and funded by donations, the registry serves as a resource for the wine industry, academia, and consumers interested in old vine wines. 它鼓励对古老的葡萄园进行编目,以保存和促进其独特性。 It encourages the cataloging of old vineyards to preserve and promote their unique characteristics.