加纳新部长誓言利用社交媒体促进青年参与和善政。 New Ghanaian minister vows to use social media to boost youth engagement and good governance.
阿莫阿科亨内(Frank Amoakohene)被提名为Ashanti地区部长,计划利用社交媒体促进善治,让加纳青年参与其中。 Frank Amoakohene, nominated as Ashanti Regional Minister, plans to use social media to promote good governance and engage youth in Ghana. 在议会任命委员会审查期间,他强调了社交媒体在现代传播中的作用及其促进青年参与区域发展的潜力。 During his vetting by Parliament's Appointments Committee, he emphasized the role of social media in modern communication and its potential to foster youth participation in regional development. Amoakohene向委员会保证,他将保持平衡的做法,并利用一个团队来管理互动。 Amoakohene assured the committee he will maintain a balanced approach and use a team to manage interactions.