迈阿密警方在经过两天的搜索后,发现了据报在小海地失踪的 17 岁少年泰勒·亨德森 (Tyler Henderson),他很安全。 Miami police found Tyler Henderson, the 17-year-old reported missing from Little Haiti, safe after a two-day search.
迈阿密警方发现17岁的Tyler Henderson在小海地失踪后安全无虞。 The Miami police found 17-year-old Tyler Henderson safe after he was reported missing from Little Haiti. 上周五最后一次见到的亨德森 穿着红色连帽衫和黑裤子 是在搜查后两天内找到的 Henderson, last seen on Friday wearing a red hoodie and black pants, was located within two days of the search. 警方在搜查过程中寻求了公共援助。 The police had sought public assistance in the search.