马来西亚将联邦道路的车速限制降低到80公里/小时,以保证中国新年的安全。 Malaysia lowers speed limits on federal roads to 80 km/h for Chinese New Year safety.
马来西亚将从1月28日至2月2日将联邦公路的车速限制降低到80公里/小时, Malaysia will reduce the speed limit on federal roads to 80 km/h from January 28 to February 2 to coincide with Chinese New Year celebrations. 这项临时削减是政府“Bersepadu行动”安全倡议的一部分,目的是在节日期间减少交通事故风险。 This temporary reduction, part of the government's Ops Bersepadu safety initiative, aims to decrease the risk of road accidents during the festive period. 非关键道路的建筑和维护工作也将暂停,以防止交通中断。 Construction and maintenance work on non-critical roads will also be suspended to prevent traffic disruptions.