JOAI是Radix、Celanese和Cognite的一个新的AI工具,旨在通过更聪明地使用数据提高工业的生产力。 JO.AI, a new AI tool by Radix, Celanese, and Cognite, aims to enhance productivity in industries through smarter data use.
Radix、Celanese和Cognite合力创建了JO.AI,这是一个AI解决方案,旨在提高能源、化学品和制造业等产业的生产力。 Radix, Celanese, and Cognite have teamed up to create JO.AI, an AI solution aiming to boost productivity in industries like energy, chemicals, and manufacturing. 由Cognite数据管理平台提供动力的JOAI帮助运营商和工程师完成优化回合、核对清单管理、工作量平衡和维护等任务。 JO.AI, powered by Cognite's data management platform, helps operators and engineers with tasks like optimized rounds, checklist management, workload balancing, and maintenance. 该技术将改变工业制造商如何利用数据提高绩效。 The technology is set to transform how industrial manufacturers use data for better performance.