在缅因州的Garcelon Bog发现遗骸;州警察正在进行调查。 Human remains found in Garcelon Bog in Maine; investigation underway by state police.
一名当地居民于1月26日在缅因州路易斯顿的Garcelon Bog发现遗骸。 Human remains were found in Garcelon Bog in Lewiston, Maine, on January 26 by a local resident. 遗体被带至奥古斯塔进行辨认,当局认为他们在那里已经存在了很长时间,对公众没有任何威胁。 The remains were taken to Augusta for identification, and authorities believe they have been there for a long time, posing no threat to the public. 缅因州警察正在领导调查,调查仍在进行中。 Maine State Police are leading the investigation, which is ongoing.