Gilby Clarke,前枪手N'Roses吉他手, 取代Nita Strauss, 取代Alice Cooper1月至2月的巡演日期。 Gilby Clarke, former Guns N' Roses guitarist, replaces Nita Strauss for Alice Cooper's January-February tour dates.
前Guns N'Roses吉他手吉他手Gilby Clarke将取代Nita Strauss, 担任Alice Cooper1月31日至2月17日巡回演出的充任吉他手。 Former Guns N' Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke will replace Nita Strauss as the fill-in guitarist for Alice Cooper's tour from January 31 to February 17. 由于健康问题,施特劳斯无法完成巡演。 Strauss is unable to complete the tour due to health issues. 这次旅行从佐治亚州的奥古斯塔开始,以迈阿密的 Rock Legends Cruise 结束。 The tour begins in Augusta, Georgia, and concludes with the Rock Legends Cruise in Miami. 克拉克以与Gunns N'Roses合作而闻名 将为受影响的旅游日期演出 Clarke, known for his work with Guns N' Roses, will perform for the affected tour dates. 爱丽丝·库珀计划在春季和夏季有多个日期,施特劳斯预计她康复后会回来。 Alice Cooper has multiple dates planned for the spring and summer, with Strauss expected to return once she recovers.