火灾摧毁了亚当斯县的流动住宅,造成7人流离失所;原因正在调查之中。 Fire destroys mobile home in Adams County, displacing seven; cause under investigation.
星期日下午2时左右,亚当斯县Castle Hill移动家庭公园发生火灾,一座流动住房被毁,7人流离失所。 Seven people were displaced after a fire destroyed a mobile home in Castle Hill Mobile Home Park, Adams County, on Sunday around 2 p.m. 火灾对流动住宅造成重大损坏,对附近住所造成轻微损坏,涉及来自九个省的50多名消防员。 The fire, which caused substantial damage to the mobile home and moderate damage to nearby residences, involved over 50 firefighters from nine departments. 红十字会正在协助流离失所的居民,正在调查火灾的原因。 The Red Cross is assisting the displaced residents, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.