联邦调查局面临不确定性,因为特朗普总统下令冻结雇用,影响到今后的征聘。 FBI faces uncertainty as a hiring freeze ordered by President Trump impacts future recruitment.
联邦调查局面临混乱和关切,原因是特朗普总统下令冻结雇用人员,尽管有一项行政命令免除国家安全和公共安全官员的责任。 The FBI faces confusion and concern due to a hiring freeze ordered by President Trump, despite an executive order exempting national security and public safety officials. 冻结造成联邦调查局内部的不确定性,特别是任命批评联邦调查局的Kash Patel。 The freeze is causing uncertainty within the FBI, especially with the appointment of Kash Patel, who has criticized the bureau. 新的特工级别已经开始,但未来的招募工作被搁置,有可能影响联邦调查局的能力。 New agent classes are starting, but future recruitment is on hold, potentially impacting the FBI's capabilities.