家人寻求帮助寻找失踪的自闭症患者 Daniel Martinell 最后一次在纽约出现 Family seeks help in locating missing autistic man, Daniel Martinell, last seen in NY.
一个21岁的自闭症患者 Daniel Martinell 来自纽约的Clark Mills 从10月起失踪 因为他和母亲有分歧 A 21-year-old autistic man, Daniel Martinell, from Clark Mills, New York, has been missing since October after a disagreement with his mother. 他的家人相信他可能在马里兰州La Vale, 驾驶一辆白色2013年雪佛兰牌的雪佛兰伊巴拉车, His family believes he might be in La Vale, Maryland, driving a white 2013 Chevy Impala with NY plates: KCE8145. 他们与Kirkland警察局联系,要求进行福利检查,并敦促任何有信息的人在315-853-3311之间与警方联系。 They have contacted the Kirkland Police Department for a welfare check and urge anyone with information to contact the police at 315-853-3311.