"杜克王朝" Si Robertson叔叔在打猎摔倒后住院,但只有肋骨有伤才被释放。 "Duck Dynasty's" Uncle Si Robertson hospitalized after a hunting fall, but released with only bruised ribs.
"达克王朝"的明星Si Robertson叔叔在一次狩猎事故后住院,他从船上摔下,经历了痛苦和低氧。 Uncle Si Robertson, a star of "Duck Dynasty," was hospitalized after a hunting accident where he fell out of a boat and experienced pain and low oxygen levels. 尽管有相反的初始报告,但发现Si只有肋骨有瘀伤,然后被释放回家恢复。 Despite initial reports to the contrary, Si was found to have only bruised ribs and was released to recover at home. 他被安排在即将开始的节目中出现, “达克王朝:复兴。” He is set to appear in the show's upcoming reboot, "Duck Dynasty: The Revival." 事件发生在罗伯逊家族持续面临健康挑战的情况下。 The incident occurred amid ongoing health challenges for the Robertson family.