加冕街 (Coronation Street) 将于 2 月 3 日播出普拉特 (Platt) 家的致命纵火事件。 Coronation Street to feature deadly arson fire at the Platt family home, airing Feb 3rd.
《加冕街》将于 2 月 3 日播出 Platt 家的毁灭性纵火事件。 Coronation Street is set to feature a devastating arson fire at the Platt family home, airing on February 3rd. 火灾将危及David和Shona Platt等人物的生命,使许多居民成为嫌疑犯。 The fire will put the lives of characters like David and Shona Platt at risk, with multiple residents becoming suspects. 潜在的罪魁祸首包括Abi、Leanne和David,他们与帮派头目Harvey发生冲突。 Potential culprits include Abi, Leanne, and David, amid conflicts with gang leader Harvey. 该事件发生在最近的财务困难和几名演员的离职之后,包括 Paddy Bever 的 Max Turner。 The incident follows recent financial struggles and the departure of several cast members, including Paddy Bever's Max Turner.