Bollywood演员Bobby Deol在Sunny兄弟热爱Instagram的文章中庆祝他56岁生日。 Bollywood actor Bobby Deol celebrated his 56th birthday with brother Sunny's loving Instagram post.
Bollywood演员Bobby Deol于1月27日庆祝他56岁生日, Bollywood actor Bobby Deol celebrated his 56th birthday on January 27, with his brother Sunny Deol marking the occasion by posting a heartwarming Instagram photo of the two hugging. 在标题中,阳光深情地叫Bobby "Bobby勋爵Bobby" 这个词现在被粉丝们使用。 Sunny affectionately called Bobby "Lord Bobby" in the caption, a term now used by fans. Bobby以他在90年代的电影中的角色闻名, 以及最近取得的成功如“动物”等, 收到了球迷和其他名人许的生日祝愿。 Bobby, known for his roles in 90s films and more recent successes like "Animal," received birthday wishes from fans and fellow celebrities.