奥本大学在男子 AP 前 25 名大学篮球民意调查中名列前茅,范德比尔特大学和德克萨斯理工大学也加入了排名。 Auburn tops the men’s AP Top 25 college basketball poll, with Vanderbilt and Texas Tech joining the rankings.
奥本在男子 AP 前 25 名大学篮球民意调查中位居榜首,在 53-51 战胜田纳西州后获得所有 62 票。 Auburn holds the top spot in the men’s AP Top 25 college basketball poll, receiving all 62 votes after a 53-51 win over Tennessee. 前五名与阿伯恩之后的爱荷华州杜克、阿拉巴马州和佛罗里达州保持不变。 The top five remains unchanged with Duke, Iowa State, Alabama, and Florida following Auburn. Vanderbilt和得克萨斯州Tech 参加民意调查 Vanderbilt and Texas Tech entered the poll at No. 第24和第24号 24 and No. 分别是22个。 22, respectively. 在女子方面, 范德比尔特进入了AP前25名, On the women’s side, Vanderbilt entered the AP Top 25 at No. 11年来第一次23岁 得克萨斯州攀升至第五 23 for the first time in 11 years, while Texas climbed to fifth. 加州大学洛杉矶分校、南卡罗来纳州和圣母院仍居于女性排名的前列。 UCLA, South Carolina, and Notre Dame remain at the top of the women’s rankings.