Lakshmi Manchu女演员指控Indigo航空公司在戈阿机场安全检查期间骚扰。 Actress Lakshmi Manchu accuses IndiGo Airlines of harassment during a Goa airport security check.
Lakshmi Manchu女演员指控Indigo航空公司在戈阿机场进行安全检查期间骚扰和不合作行为。 Actress Lakshmi Manchu accused IndiGo Airlines of harassment and uncooperative behavior during a security check at the Goa airport. 她声称工作人员粗鲁,拒绝让她自己打开她的包,而且没有在她面前贴安全标签。 She claimed staff were rude, refused to let her open her bag herself, and did not place a security tag in her presence. Manchu还说,由于延误,一名同行乘客不得不把包留在后面。 Manchu also said a fellow passenger had to leave their bag behind due to delays. IndiGo在答复中说,她的包由于违禁物品被取出。 IndiGo responded, stating her bag was pulled aside due to prohibited items.