女演员法蒂玛·萨娜·谢赫 (Fatima Sana Shaikh) 透露了南印度电影业从事“选角沙发”做法的压力。 Actress Fatima Sana Shaikh reveals pressure to engage in "casting couch" practices in the South Indian film industry.
演员Fatima Sana Shaikh谈到了她在南印度电影业的"演员沙发"的经历, Actress Fatima Sana Shaikh discussed her experiences with the "casting couch" in the South Indian film industry, where casting agents implied she would have to do favors for roles. 她讲述了感到压力和不自在的感觉,但强调说,并非所有行业都这样做。 She recounted feeling pressured and uncomfortable but emphasized that not all in the industry behave this way. 以“Dangal”等电影中的角色而闻名的Shaikh也谈到在工业中获得立足点的挑战, 包括要求不择手段的选角导演提供一定比例的收入。 Shaikh, known for roles in films like "Dangal," also touched on the challenges of securing a foothold in the industry, including demands for a percentage of earnings from unscrupulous casting directors. 尽管存在这些障碍,她仍对即将开展的项目充满希望。 Despite these hurdles, she remains hopeful for her upcoming projects.