达累斯萨拉姆大学庆祝中国新年,举办文化节庆,加强中、泰关系。 University of Dar es Salaam marks Chinese New Year with cultural festivities, enhancing Sino-Tanzanian ties.
坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆大学孔子研究所于1月26日以文化表演和食品狂欢节庆祝了即将到来的中国春节。 The Confucius Institute at the University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania celebrated the upcoming Chinese Spring Festival on January 26th with cultural performances and a food carnival. 副校长Bonaventure Rutinwa强调该活动在促进中文学习和文化交流方面的作用。 Vice-Chancellor Bonaventure Rutinwa emphasized the event's role in promoting Chinese language learning and cultural exchange. 庆祝1月29日中国新年的这个节日象征着家庭团聚,被视为充满希望和活力的一天。 The festival, marking the Chinese New Year on January 29th, symbolizes family reunions and is seen as a day of hope and vitality. 坦桑尼亚外交部长马哈茂德·塔比特·孔博说,这次活动将加强坦桑尼亚与中国之间的联系。 Tanzanian Foreign Affairs Minister Mahmoud Thabit Kombo said the event will strengthen ties between Tanzania and China.