两人死于布里斯班的车祸;一名司机和一名儿童在现场和医院去世。 Two died in a car crash in Brisbane; a driver and a child passed away at the scene and hospital.
周日早上在布里斯班发生车祸,两人丧生。 Two people died in a car crash in Brisbane on Sunday morning. 一辆蓝色的Holden准将和一辆红色的三菱Lancer在Rickert路和Ransome的Chelsea路相撞。 A blue Holden Commodore and a red Mitsubishi Lancer collided at Rickertt Road and Chelsea Road in Ransome. 37岁的Holden驾驶员和一名4岁的乘客死亡;男孩被送往昆士兰儿童医院后去世。 The 37-year-old driver of the Holden and a four-year-old passenger died; the boy passed away after being taken to the Queensland Children's Hospital. 这名29岁的三菱司机受轻伤。 The 29-year-old Mitsubishi driver had minor injuries. 法医事故股正在调查,当局正在寻找证人或录像。 The Forensic Crash Unit is investigating, and authorities are seeking witnesses or footage.