镇督导Laura Smith因TikTok的类似纳粹的敬礼手势 面临辞职的呼声 Township supervisor Laura Smith faces calls to resign over a TikTok gesture resembling a Nazi salute.
图瓦门辛镇监督员劳拉·史密斯在发布了类似纳粹问候的视频后面临辞职的要求. Towamencin Township Supervisor Laura Smith faces calls for resignation after posting a TikTok video where she made a gesture resembling a Nazi salute. Smith删除了视频,否认任何攻击意图,但犹太社区关系委员会和其他居民要求她道歉并下台。 Smith removed the video and denied any offensive intent, but the Jewish Community Relations Council and other residents demand she apologize and step down. Smith的行动也导致她辞去诺里斯敦公共图书馆董事会的职务。 Smith's actions have also led to her resignation from the Norristown Public Library board.