Thomas D. Kalinowski, “马里兰波尔卡火车”老牌DJ, 慈善创始人, 于1月20日去世。 Thomas D. Kalinowski, longtime "The Maryland Polka Train" DJ and charity founder, died on January 20.
Thomas D. Kalinowski, “马里兰波尔卡火车”的长期DJ, 以及上帝特殊儿童慈善机构的创始人, 于1月20日因脑出血而去世。 Thomas D. Kalinowski, the longtime DJ of "The Maryland Polka Train" and founder of God's Special Children charity, passed away on January 20 due to a cerebral hemorrhage. Kalinowski因为发育残疾的儿童筹集资金而闻名, Known for raising funds for developmentally disabled children, Kalinowski was also active in Baltimore's Polish community. 他留下了他的妻子雪莉·皮尔斯、儿子马克、姐妹玛丽·科托夫斯基和五个孙子孙女。 He leaves behind his wife, Shirley Pierce, son Mark, sister Mary Kotowski, and five grandchildren.