选手Grace Crowe在100米内 几乎突破12秒 赢得2个冠军 Teen runner Grace Crowe nearly breaks 12-second mark in 100m, winning two titles at championships.
16岁的Grace Crowe几乎打破了100米赛程中12秒的屏障,在维多利亚州田径运动员锦标赛中分别赢得了18岁女性和开放冠军,分别为12.01秒和12.02秒。 Sixteen-year-old Grace Crowe nearly broke the 12-second barrier in the 100m race, winning both the Female 18 and Open titles at the Victorian Country Athletics Championships with times of 12.01 and 12.02 seconds, respectively. Crowe尽管本季受了伤 却打算跑到11.90秒以下 Despite managing injuries this season, Crowe aims to run under 11.90 seconds. 多支芭拉拉队运动员也非常出色,四个地方俱乐部获得许多金牌。 Multiple Ballarat athletes also excelled, with four local clubs racking up numerous gold medals.