西南航空公司驾驶员在预定航班前因酒后驾车而被捕,改变乘客路线。 Southwest Airlines pilot arrested for DUI before scheduled flight, rerouting passengers.
西南航空公司飞行员David Paul Allsop在预定飞往芝加哥之前,在萨凡纳/希尔顿国际机场因酒后驾车被逮捕。 Southwest Airlines pilot David Paul Allsop was removed from duty and arrested for DUI at Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport before his scheduled flight to Chicago. 他有酗酒的迹象,并违反《联邦航空局规则》,该规则禁止在飞行8小时之内饮酒。 He showed signs of intoxication and violated FAA rules that prohibit alcohol consumption within eight hours of flying. 乘客被改道,Allsop以3 500美元保释获释,正面临美国民航局和西南航空公司的调查。 Passengers were rerouted, and Allsop, who was released on $3,500 bail, faces ongoing investigation by the FAA and Southwest Airlines.