无线电台现在允许收听者从今天开始通过单一账户访问实况流和独家内容。 Radio stations now allow listeners to access live streams and exclusive content through a single account starting today.
从1月26日起, 某些电台的听众可以登录一个账户, 访问现场直播、竞赛及独家内容。 Starting January 26th, listeners of certain radio stations can log into one account to access live streams, competitions, and exclusive content. 很快,用户将需要注册一个账户,以继续在线流,尽管他们可以选择稍后注册。 Soon, users will need to register an account to continue streaming online, though they can choose to register later. 这一变化旨在改进用户在定制服务方面的经验。 This change aims to improve user experience with tailored services.