Quincy高中啦啦队教练因提供酒精、大麻及分享不当内容而受到调查。 Quincy High School cheer coach under investigation for providing alcohol, marijuana, and sharing inappropriate content.
Quincy高中的啦啦教练因据称向学生提供酒精和大麻、在网上分享不适当的图像以及违反学生保密规定而受到调查。 Quincy High School's cheer coach is under investigation for allegedly providing alcohol and marijuana to students, sharing inappropriate images online, and breaching student confidentiality. 教练正在休行政假,因为调查还在继续。 The coach is on administrative leave as the investigation continues. Kevin Mulvey警长向社区通报了这些严重指控,据称这些指控违反了州和联邦法律。 Superintendent Kevin Mulvey informed the community about the serious allegations, which are said to violate state and federal laws.