Peter Robinson 81岁 通过在Michael McIntyre的电视节目上 给生病的妻子唱歌 给观众带来惊喜 Peter Robinson, 81, surprises viewers by singing to his ailing wife on Michael McIntyre's TV show.
在Michael McIntyre的大节目上, 81岁的Peter Robinson被提名每天为他的妻子Sandra唱歌, On Michael McIntyre's Big Show, 81-year-old Peter Robinson was surprised with a heartfelt tribute after being nominated for singing daily to his wife Sandra, who is in hospice care due to dementia. 演出的"意外之星"部分 将彼得骗进了一个假碗店 当他扔了碗时 观众就露面了 The show's "Unexpected Star" segment tricked Peter into a fake bowls shop, revealing the audience when he threw a bowl. Peter在情感上唱着Nat King Cole的《微笑》, 使观众流泪。 Moved by the surprise, Peter emotionally sang Nat King Cole's "Smile," bringing the audience to tears.