保罗·乔治 (Paul George) 因小指卡住而退出 76 人队的比赛,准备进行 MRI 检查,这加剧了球队的伤病问题。 Paul George exits 76ers game with a jammed pinky, set for MRI, adding to team's injury woes.
费城 76 人队前锋保罗·乔治因左手小指卡住而离开了周六对阵芝加哥公牛队的第二节比赛,并将在周日接受 MRI 检查。 Philadelphia 76ers forward Paul George left Saturday's game against the Chicago Bulls in the second quarter due to a jammed left pinky finger and will undergo an MRI on Sunday. George因为受伤本季已经错过了14场比赛, 他的缺席可能会进一步影响球队的表现。 George has already missed 14 games this season due to injuries, and his absence could further impact the team's performance. 76 人队目前仅落后公牛队一场比赛,争夺东部联盟的最后一个附加赛名额。 The 76ers currently sit just one game behind the Bulls for the final play-in spot in the Eastern Conference.