新泽西餐厅对以极端主义团体命名的菜单项目表示道歉,删除了“骄傲男孩汉堡”。 New Jersey restaurant apologizes for menu item named after extremist group, removing "Proud Boys Burger."
新泽西餐馆Aqua Blu Kitchen & Cocktails在菜单上推出“骄傲男孩汉堡”后, 面临强烈批评。 The New Jersey restaurant Aqua Blu Kitchen & Cocktails faced intense criticism after introducing a "Proud Boys Burger" on its menu. 店主Katie Varriale在网上遭到强烈反击后, 删除了汉堡, 并表示这家餐馆不支持仇恨. Owner Katie Varriale apologized after facing an online backlash, removing the burger and stating the bistro does not support hate. 汉堡的名字提到了右翼极端主义团体, 这引发了煽动仇恨意识形态的指控。 The burger's name referenced the right-wing extremist group, which sparked accusations of promoting hate ideologies. 尽管最初进行了辩护,但Varriale承认她不知道该团体的协会,并撤回了提议。 Despite initial defense, Varriale acknowledged her ignorance about the group's associations and withdrew the offering.