Combustion Services勋爵推出了新网站,强调致力于减少碳排放。 Lord Combustion Services launches new site, highlighting commitment to reducing carbon emissions.
Combustion Services勋爵是一家自1982年以来设在奥尔德伯里(Oldbury)的供暖和通风公司,已启动了一个新网站,突出介绍其减少碳排放的服务和承诺。 Lord Combustion Services, a heating and ventilation company based in Oldbury since 1982, has launched a new website to highlight its services and commitment to reducing carbon emissions. 该网站有一节专门介绍与社区和行业团体的伙伴关系,强调负责任的商业做法。 The site features a section on partnerships with community and industry groups, emphasizing responsible business practices. 该公司由45人组成,为包括学校和保健设施在内的1 000多个场地提供服务,其目的是提高其形象,吸引以环境目标为重点的客户。 With a team of 45 serving over 1,000 sites including schools and health facilities, the company aims to boost its profile and attract clients focused on environmental goals.