房东在迈阿密-达德争端中枪杀了房客;房东被拘留,调查正在进行中。 Landlord shot tenant dead in Miami-Dade dispute; landlord detained, investigation ongoing.
迈阿密-达德县一名房东在周六早上开枪打死他的房客。 A landlord in Miami-Dade County shot and killed his tenant on Saturday morning after a dispute turned physical. 事件发生在Westchester, 议员发现房客身上有枪伤,将他送往医院,但后来他死了。 The incident occurred in Westchester, where deputies found the tenant with gunshot wounds and rushed him to the hospital, but he later died. 房东被拘留审问,现场发现一把枪。 The landlord was detained for questioning, and a gun was recovered at the scene. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.