卡纳塔卡的首席部长向总理寻求5 300卢比的资金,以资助一个至关重要的灌溉项目。 Karnataka's Chief Minister seeks Rs 5,300 crore from the PM to fund a crucial irrigation project.
卡纳塔克邦首席部长已向总理呼吁为 Upper Bhadra 项目提供 530 亿卢比的中央资金,该项目旨在灌溉超过 225,000 公顷的土地并在 367 个水箱中补充地下水。 Karnataka's Chief Minister has appealed to the Prime Minister for Rs 5,300 crore in central funding for the Upper Bhadra Project, aimed at irrigating over 225,000 hectares and recharging groundwater in 367 tanks. 由于缺乏资金,该项目的拖延加剧了该区域农民的缺水问题。 The project's delay, due to lack of funds, is exacerbating water shortages for farmers in the region. 首席部长强调迫切需要提供财政支助,以推动该项目的进展。 The Chief Minister highlighted the urgency for financial support to advance the project's progress.