Josh Harris的队伍面临鲜明对比: 指挥官接近冠军,76人斗争。 Josh Harris's teams face stark contrast: Commanders near championship, 76ers struggle.
拥有费城76和华盛顿指挥官的商人Josh Harris 与他的球队面临着对比鲜明的赛季 Businessman Josh Harris, who owns both the Philadelphia 76ers and the Washington Commanders, faces contrasting seasons with his teams. 华盛顿司令官正处在冠军赛的边缘 而费城76人队正努力寻求成功 The Washington Commanders are on the verge of a championship, while the Philadelphia 76ers struggle to find success. 这突显了哈里斯体育专营公司的不同命运。 This highlights the varying fortunes of Harris's sports franchises.