Josean Lee, 20岁, 面临重罪指控 破坏墓地墓碑, 影响尚未解决的 凶杀案受害人的家人。 JoSean Lee, 20, faces felony charges for vandalizing a gravesite headstone, impacting an unsolved homicide victim's family.
一个20岁的堪萨斯市男子JoSean Lee, 面临重罪指控, 包括骚扰、扰乱墓地及财产损坏, A 20-year-old Kansas City man, JoSean Lee, faces felony charges including harassment, disturbing a burial site, and property damage after a video showed him and another person vandalizing a gravesite headstone of an unsolved homicide victim. 该墓碑将需要更换,估计费用约为7 500至7 800美元。 The headstone, which will need to be replaced, is estimated to cost around $7,500-7,800. 杰克逊县检察官强调了犯罪的严重性及其对受害者家庭的影响。 The Jackson County Prosecutor emphasized the seriousness of the crime and its impact on the victim's family.