Jaipur主办创始人会议, 讨论创业挑战, 重点是人才与创新。 Jaipur hosts Founder's Meet to discuss startup challenges, focusing on talent and innovation.
Hari Shankar Singhania商学院和AIC JKLU在斋浦尔主办了首届创始人会议,让创业者和商业领袖聚集一堂,讨论促进创业创新和人才的问题。 The Hari Shankar Singhania School of Business and AIC JKLU hosted the first Founder's Meet in Jaipur, bringing together startup founders and business leaders to discuss fostering innovation and talent in startups. 这次活动突出了在雇用和留住人才方面的挑战,强调必须使雇员的热情与创始人的远见相一致。 The event highlighted challenges in hiring and retaining talent, emphasizing the importance of aligning employee passions with founders' visions. Odisha创业还将在Utkarsh Odisha Conclave展示其生态系统,促进创新和投资机会。 Startup Odisha will also showcase its ecosystem at the Utkarsh Odisha Conclave, promoting innovation and investment opportunities.