印度国会承诺,如果当选,将免费前往佛教场所朝圣,以老年人为目标。 Indian Congress pledges free pilgrimages to Buddhist sites if elected, targeting senior citizens.
印度全国大会党承诺,如果佛教徒在2月的德里议会选举中获胜,将自由朝圣。 The Indian National Congress party has promised free pilgrimages to Buddhist sites if they win the Delhi Assembly elections in February. 这一承诺是回应本届政府将佛教场所排除在其老年公民自由朝圣方案之外。 This promise comes in response to the current government's exclusion of Buddhist sites from their free pilgrimage program for senior citizens. 国会领袖Udit Raj批评现任政府不向佛教祭司和僧侣提供支助, Congress leader Udit Raj criticized the current government for not offering support to Buddhist priests and monks, similar to the proposed monthly honorarium for Hindu priests and Sikh granthis.