老鹰队前锋杰伦·约翰逊因左肩受伤无限期缺席,这是球队的关键损失。 Hawks forward Jalen Johnson out indefinitely with a left shoulder injury, a key loss for the team.
亚特兰大老鹰队前锋杰伦·约翰逊将因左肩受伤而无限期缺席,他在对阵多伦多猛龙队的比赛中受伤。 Atlanta Hawks forward Jalen Johnson will be out indefinitely due to an injured left shoulder, which he hurt during a game against the Toronto Raptors. Johnson是球队的主要反弹者 他本赛季早些时候因右肩问题 已经错过了五场比赛 Johnson, who has been the team's leading rebounder, had already missed five games earlier this season due to a right shoulder issue. 小组将在他的情况得到更新后提供最新资料。 The team will provide updates on his condition as they become available.