埃塞俄比亚削减了国民债务,看到经济增长,成为非洲第五大经济体。 Ethiopia slashes national debt, sees economic growth, becoming Africa's fifth-largest economy.
埃塞俄比亚的债务与国内生产总值的比率从30%下降到13.7%,该国在五年内偿还100亿美元的贷款。 Ethiopia's debt-to-GDP ratio has dropped from 30% to 13.7%, with the country repaying a $10 billion loan over five years. 尽管面临流行病和自然灾害等挑战,埃塞俄比亚的经济增长显著,成为非洲第五大经济体。 Despite challenges like the pandemic and natural disasters, Ethiopia has seen significant economic growth, becoming the fifth-largest economy in Africa. 外国直接投资每年平均超过30亿美元,该国已实施宏观经济改革,以促进出口和提高全球竞争力。 Foreign direct investment has averaged over $3 billion annually, and the country has implemented macroeconomic reforms to boost exports and foster global competitiveness.