夏洛特的东独立Blvd在坠机后部分关闭,有2人受轻伤。 East Independence Blvd in Charlotte partially closed after a crash left two with minor injuries.
夏洛特东部独立大道周日上午5时30分左右在Coliseum大道附近发生车祸后部分关闭。 两名受轻伤者被送往医院。 East Independence Boulevard in Charlotte was partially closed Sunday morning after a crash near Coliseum Drive around 5:30 a.m. Two people with minor injuries were taken to the hospital. 当局建议司机避开该地区,使用替代路线。 Authorities advised drivers to avoid the area and use alternate routes. 北卡罗来纳州交通部预计该公路将在下午2时前重新开放。 The North Carolina Department of Transportation expected the road to reopen by 2 p.m. 坠机原因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the crash is still under investigation.