医生在德里机场安全检查期间,从可疑人员手中追回苹果监视器。 Doctor recovers Apple Watch from suspicious person after it was taken during Delhi airport security check.
来自Gurugram的医生Tushar Mehta博士报告说,他的苹果手表是在德里机场进行安全检查时被带走的。 A doctor from Gurugram, Dr. Tushar Mehta, reported that his Apple Watch was taken during a security check at Delhi's airport. 在发现它失踪后,他与一个可疑的人对质,并收回了手表。 After noticing it missing, he confronted a suspicious person and recovered the watch. 机场当局答应进行彻底调查,独联体驻伊拉克国际部队要求Mehta博士提供补充资料。 Airport authorities promised a thorough investigation, and the CISF requested additional information from Dr. Mehta. 这一事件突显了对机场旅客安全的关切。 The incident highlighted concerns about passenger security at the airport.