Chattanooga警察局毕业19名学员,其中10名从一个独特的早期雇用方案开始。 Chattanooga Police Department graduates 19 cadets, with 10 starting in a unique Early Hire Program.
查塔努加警察局已经从为期22周的培训方案毕业19名学员。 The Chattanooga Police Department has graduated 19 cadets from a 22-week training program. 其中10名毕业生从早期雇用方案开始,使他们能够在学院毕业前担任非宣誓角色。 Ten of the graduates started in the Early Hire Program, allowing them to serve in non-sworn roles before the academy. John Chambers酋长赞扬学员们的辛勤工作和相互支持。 Chief John Chambers commended the cadets for their hard work and support of each other. 一名毕业生将作为调查员加入消防局,其余将进入为期16周的实地培训期。 One graduate will join the Fire Department as an investigator, while the rest will enter a 16-week field training period.