不列颠哥伦比亚省牛群启动应急单位,在危机中保护牲畜。 BC Cattlemen launch emergency unit to protect livestock during crises.
不列颠哥伦比亚省牲畜协会在弗农附近设立了一个新的紧急牲畜反应单位,以便在紧急情况下协助和保护牲畜。 The British Columbia Cattlemen's Association has launched a new emergency livestock response unit near Vernon to assist and protect livestock during emergencies. 这一倡议是在1月25日在Prestige Vernon Lodge停车场举行的记者招待会上宣布的。 The initiative was announced at a press conference on January 25 at the Prestige Vernon Lodge parking lot. 这个单位旨在支持当地牲畜所有者在危机期间确保其牲畜的安全和福利。 This unit aims to support local livestock owners in ensuring the safety and well-being of their animals during crises.