Anthony Edwards 得34分 带领木材狼队 取得133 -104的胜利 胜过Nuggets Anthony Edwards scores 34 points, leading the Timberwolves to a 133-104 victory over the Nuggets.
Anthony Edwards带领明尼苏达的木材狼队 取得133 -104的胜利 战胜了丹佛的Nuggets, 得分34分, 并设定了团队职业生涯的三分纪录。 Anthony Edwards led the Minnesota Timberwolves to a 133-104 victory over the Denver Nuggets, scoring 34 points and setting the team's career three-point record. 木材狼从一开始就占了上风 在第一季赢得了40分 The Timberwolves dominated from the start, scoring a season-high 40 points in the first quarter. 胜利标志着木材狼队的第二次直胜, 而Nuggets队赢得四场比赛的连胜赛则结束了。 The win marks the Timberwolves' second straight victory, while the Nuggets' winning streak of four games came to an end. Nikola Jokic得分20分,有11人协助,但未能获得双倍的帮助。 Nikola Jokic scored 20 points and had 11 assists but failed to secure a triple-double.