Ahmadu Bello大学在冻结25.85亿奈拉账户后面临严重的筹资问题。 Ahmadu Bello University faces severe funding issues after a N2.585 billion account freeze.
尼日利亚扎里亚的艾哈迈杜·贝洛大学由于冻结了25.85亿奈拉账户而面临重大财政挫折,影响到研究赠款和其他项目。 Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, faces major financial setbacks due to a frozen N2.585 billion account, affecting research grants and other projects. 这扰乱了该大学的运作,突出了财政独立和减少官僚干预的必要性。 This has disrupted the university’s operations and highlighted the need for financial independence and reduced bureaucratic interference. 该大学在第44次集会仪式上庆祝21 952名学生毕业。 The university celebrated the graduation of 21,952 students at its 44th convocation ceremony.